About Our Practice

Dr Eko Priatno SpB KBD – Dokter Spesialis Bedah Konsultan Bedah Digestif (Bedah Saluran Cerna, Hati, Empedu Dan Pankreas) di Indonesia. Menyelesaikan pendidikan/fellowship bedah minimal invasive/ bedah robotic kanker usus besar/ kolorektal di center kolorektal ternama di Seoul, Korea Selatan.Dr. Eko Priatno, SpB-KBD adalah seorang profesional yang berpengalaman di bidang bedah digestif dan menjadi salah satu pakar bedah laparoskopi-robotik di Indonesia.

Background pendidikan dan reputasinya bisa anda lihat dibawah ini.


  1. Fellowship in Robotic and laparoscopic colorectal surgery at Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, 2015.
  2. Fellowship in advanced laparoscopic digestive surgery at Choray Hospital, Vietnam, 2014.
  3. Digestive surgery tranee at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, 2012.
  4. General surgery resident at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2006
  5. Maranatha University Medical School, Bandung, 1995.


  1. Fellowship in Robotic and laparoscopic colorectal surgery at Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, 2015.
  2. Fellowship in advanced laparoscopic digestive surgery at Choray Hospital, Vietnam, 2014.
  3. Digestive surgery tranee at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, 2012.
  4. General surgery resident at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2006
  5. Maranatha University Medical School, Bandung, 1995.


  1. Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia congress, Suzhou, China, November 2016.
  2. Laparoscopy hernia, Bangkok, 2016
  3. 8th Biennial Congress of ASEAN Society of Colorectal Surgeons ( ASCS ), Bali, Indonesia, April 2016
  4. Inaugural Asian Congress of Robotic Surgery, Hongkong, December 2015.
  5. Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia congress, Daegu, Korea, September 2015.
  6. Korean Society Endolaparoscopic Surgery Congress, Jeju, Korea, May 2015
  7. Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia congress, Bali, Indonesia, October 2014
  8. The 1st Phuket International Colorectal Disease Symposium. Phuket, Thailand, December 2013.
  9. The 8th Jakarta Digestive Weeks: Complicated Intraabdominal Infection. Jakarta, Indonesia, December 2013.
  10. Manado Digestive Surgical Forum: Digestive Surgical Emergency Management. Manado, Indonesia, June 2013.
  11. The 19th Annual Meeting of ISES: Learning from the expert on Upper GI laparoscopic Surgery. Jakarta, Indonesia June 2013.
  12. The 5th Gading Pluit Cancer Symposium: Recent Advances in Cancer Diagnosis & Therapy. Jakarta, Indonesia April 2013.
  13. The 2nd Liver and GI Fair. Jakarta, Indonesia January 2013.
  14. The 7th Jakarta Digestive Week: Colorectal and Pelvic Disorder. Jakarta, Indonesia November 2012.
  15. Workshop and symposium: Neo and adjuvant chemotherapy in surgical malignancy. Jakarta, Indonesia September 2012.
  16. Stimulative Training on GI Stapling. Jakarta, Indonesia May 2012.
  17. The 17th Indonesian General Surgeon Annual Meetting (MABI): Optimalization in cancer management. Palembang, Indonesia 2008.
  18. Perioperative critical care. Semarang, Indonesia 2008.
  19. The 19th Digestive surgeon annual meeting: Complicated Intraabdominal Infection & Sepsis. Medan, Indonesia 2007.
  20. The 16th Indonesian General Surgeon Annual Meeting: The role of general surgeon in disaster management. Jogjakarta, Indonesia 2007.
  21. Multidisciplinary approach in the management of colorectal diseases, Jakarta,        Indonesia 2007
  22. The 3rd Bandung Oncology Forum. Bandung, Indonesia 2007
  23. Basic Surgical Skill Workshop. Jakarta, Indonesia 2006
  24. Methodology Research Training, Jakarta, Indonesia 2005
  25. Advance Trauma Life Support Training, Jakarta, Indonesia 2005


  1. Local recurrence after robotic intersphincteric resection for very low rectal cancer : a study on its risk factor. Presented at ELSA,  Suzhou, China, November 2016
  2. Single Stage Robotic Low Anterior Resection. Presented at Inaugural Asian Congress of Robotic Surgery, Hongkong, 2015.
  3. Application of early ileostomy closure after low anterior resection. Presented at Phuket International Colorectal  Congress, Phuket, Thailand, 2013.
  4. An analysis of colorectal cancer at young age. Presented at Jakarta Digestive Week 2012.
  5. Surgical Aspect of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis presenting as intraabdominal tumour. Presented at PIT IKABDI Medan 2007.
  6. Evaluation of post splenectomy complications in various hematologic disorders. Presented at PIT IKABI Surabaya 2009

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